Another week in a growth company: Web Summit, Irish Parliament, etc…

Alarm goes off at 3.30 AM. I take a shower, and for breakfast drink 2 mugs of coffee and glance through the biggest newspaper in Nordics, Helsingin Sanomat. Yesterday people’s earnings and taxes in Finland came public for the previous year. The morning paper tells me Supercell’s guys are doing great financially, and also contributing heavily to the common good in the form of taxes. The paper also tells me that food is cheapest in Lidl. I tend to believe it, because the conclusion is based on journalistic research.
My throat is sore after Sunday’s fishing trip in the Finnish Archipelago. It really is not a big deal today, because I have a mission in Portugal. According the forecast, it is going to be from 12 to 18 degrees Celsius in Lisbon this week. The morning in Helsinki is crispy: thermometer reads –2 degrees. I decide to leave my beanie home and run from the corridor to the taxi.
On the way to the airport we pick up a colleague. He doesn’t have a beanie either.
At the airport we go through the forthcoming event’s schedule and agenda. This is the very first Web Summit for both of us. We’re quite excited. The agenda seems highly interesting. Anything from the EU after Brexit to building a billion-dollar company beyond the Valley and flying cars. As we work for a very fast-growing AI company that has solutions for all the languages in the world, it is natural we are attending. We are going to have a booth, we are going to meet the investors, we are going to share good news about ethical AI and our CEO is going to pitch on stage. And what’s best, we are going to meet lots of interesting people and hear their stories. Not too much time for sleeping for the next 3 days though.
Me, my colleague and our CEO are not the only Utopians on the fly this week. It is not unusual. But what is, is that all of the week’s events are super-interesting.
Our Chair of Board is traveling to Dublin. He is going to participate in the meeting of the International Grand Committee of Disinformation and Fake News at the House of Oireachtas, the Parliament of Ireland. We have already earlier given evidence in the Parliament of UK. We testified what AI can do to minimize election meddling and online hate speech. In the Parliament of Ireland we are accompanied by representatives of e.g. Google, Facebook, Twitter and other tech giants. They all have content related problems on their services that our AI could handle.
A senior member of our sales team is heading to Eastern Europe. He is attending an event in Warsaw, Poland. Key Polish businesses are meeting with chosen Finnish tech providers. We will be introducing Utopia AI Claim Handler to Polish insurance companies.
Meanwhile in Helsinki, our AI doctors and other experts build new AI models and make sure the existing ones run smoothly.
Writer is the Director of Marketing and Communications at Utopia Analytics.
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